
Wisconsewn (Wisconsin + sewn) came about because I'm not the kind of girl that likes to sit around in my free time watching soaps and eating bon-bons.  Nothing against bon-bons, but I like to stay busy.  If I can make a little extra money while staying busy, even better.

One I realized how enjoyable it was to make something that someone else really liked and was willing to trade their hard earned cash for, I was hooked.  I hold myself to strict standards to make a quality item that I can feel proud about and my customer can too.  I am always open to suggestions, constructive criticisms and shameless flattery.

Contact me at: redsugartk (at sign) aol (dot) com

Or leave a comment on this page and I will get page to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for just being interested enough to explore my site!