How to buy the hat of your dreams:

The hat just like Mama Cobb gave her son, Jayne Cobb?
Hats just like the ones from Southpark?  The Stan guy and that other one, Cartman, I think?
Red and White hats to impersonate everyone's favorite hide and seek guy, Waldo, from Where's Waldo?
How about hats with a sport team patch on them?
Or just a plain ole I'm too cool for color tan slouchy hat to wear every day?

Look no further, your wildest dreams can come true...

1.  My preferred way is that you just click on the PayPal Button on the top right side of this page, it will take you to your PayPal account and it is sooooooo easy, you will be getting your hat in no time!

2.  Or go to my eBay shop.  See what's available, bid, etc, you know how it works.  If what you want isn't listed send me a message, I can make it happen.

3.  Or just send me an email, saying you will come pick it up, bringing me cash, demanding I make you such and such hats and tell me you want them stat, that price is no object. :)  No problem.

Any way you choose, you will get the best hat I can make, I've got tons of good feedback on eBay to back me up, I promise you won't be disappointed.

where can i buy a jayne cobb hat

Thanks for visiting my site.  You are the best.  Serenity, forever.
tip top hats @ outlook . com